Source Equipment<\/h1>","tablet":"","phone":"

LAB EQUIPMENT<\/h3>"}},"slug":"et_pb_text"}" data-et-multi-view-load-tablet-hidden="true" data-et-multi-view-load-phone-hidden="true">

Source Equipment

Arc Scientific can source laboratory equipment to fit your application. Share your specific project needs so that we can locate and identify just what you are looking for.

Premier Source of Equipment

您可能希望源实验室instuments to building a new analytical lab or perhaps you just need basic microscope. At Arc Scientific we strive to exceed your expectations by bringing you cost effective laboratory instuments when you need it quickly. The quality of our service proven by our reputation as a premier source of lab equipment.

Our inventory is always changing so if you don’t see what you’re looking for pleasecontact usso that we can assist you.


Buying Equipment<\/h2>","phone":"

Sell and Buy Used Lab Equipment<\/h3>"}},"slug":"et_pb_text"}" data-et-multi-view-load-phone-hidden="true">

Buying Equipment

The process of sourcing equipment at Arc Scientific is very simple. We recommend calling us or sending us an email first to see what is currently available for sale. Our inventory is constantly changing. We will respond to you quickly and let you know what we have in our inventory and within our network. If the equipment your looking for is available, we can provide you with a quotation upon your request. At Arc Scientific we want to make sure your buying experience is easy and completely satisfactory.Contact ustoday!
